4 апр. 2011 г.


Я была сегодня на йоге. Дан Хак Йога.

Dahn yoga (also known as Dahn Hak or Dahnhak) is a Korean "yoga" system and business founded in 1985 by Ilchi Lee. In Korean, dahn means "primal, vital energy," and hak means "study of a particular theory or philosophy." Dahn teachings are said to place equal emphasis on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. News sources have described its exercises as "a blend of yoga, tai chi, and martial arts exercises." Dahn Yoga is taught through for-profit and non-profit studios as well as community centers.
Dahn Yoga's training methods are intended to improve the practitioner's health through development of the energy system and enhancement of the mind-body connection. The practice draws upon traditional notions of ki, also known as chi or qi. A typical class begins with what is called "Meridian Stretching" exercise, which is believed to stimulate the energy in the body. After these stretching exercises, practitioners normally follow a sequence of postures to accumulate and circulate energy in the body. Classes often include elements of meditation, as well.

Первый раз +))) я всегда думала, что йога - это так, правильно дышать и больше никакой нагрузки. Хренсдва. Уже ножки болят. Боюсь подумать что будет завтра. Но мне понравилось. На какой-то момент, может из-за музыки, может из-за чего-то еще создается такое ощущение свободы, как будто ты не в маленьком зале занимаешься, а где-то на бескрайнем поле танцуешь зажигательные танцы свободы, так, будто никто не видит +)). Чудеса.

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